Finite-type invariants of w-knotted objects, I: w-knots and the Alexander polynomial
Year: 2016
Type: article
Abstract: This is the first in a series of papers studying w-knotted objects (w-knots, w-braids, w-tangles, etc.), which make a class of knotted objects which is {w}ider but {w}eaker than their usual counterpar... more
Source: Algebraic & Geometric Topology
Authors Dror Bar-Natan, Zsuzsanna Dancso
Institutions University of Toronto, Australian National University, Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute
Cites: 102
Cited by: 36
Related to: 10
FWCI: 5.752
Citation percentile (by year/subfield): 89.3
Subfield: Geometry and Topology
Field: Mathematics
Domain: Physical Sciences
Open Access status: bronze