Nowhere-zero 3-flows in graphs admitting solvable arc-transitive groups of automorphisms
Year: 2015
Type: article
Abstract: Tutte's 3-flow conjecture asserts that every 4-edge-connected graph has a nowhere-zero 3-flow. In this note we prove that every regular graph of valency at least four admitting a solvable arc-transiti... more
Source: Ars Mathematica Contemporanea
Authors Xiangwen Li, Sanming Zhou
Institution The University of Melbourne
Cites: 27
Cited by: 2
Related to: 10
Citation percentile (by year/subfield): 44.06
Topic: Finite Group Theory Research
Subfield: Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
Field: Mathematics
Domain: Physical Sciences
Sustainable Development Goal Reduced inequalities
Open Access status: bronze