Interval-Valued Vague Soft Sets and Its Application
Year: 2012
Type: article
Abstract: Molodtsov has introduced the concept of soft sets and the application of soft sets in decision making and medical diagnosis problems. The basic properties of vague soft sets are presented. In this pap... more
Source: Advances in Fuzzy Systems
Authors Khaleed Alhazaymeh, Nasruddin Hassan
Institution National University of Malaysia
Cites: 21
Cited by: 35
Related to: 10
FWCI: 4.369
Citation percentile (by year/subfield): 89.21
Topic: Fuzzy and Soft Set Theory
Field: Decision Sciences
Domain: Social Sciences
Sustainable Development Goal Peace, justice, and strong institutions
Open Access status: gold
APC paid (est): $900
Grant ID UKM-GUP-2011-159