Convergence Rates of Forward–Douglas–Rachford Splitting Method
Year: 2019
Type: article
Abstract: Over the past decades, operator splitting methods have become ubiquitous for non-smooth optimization owing to their simplicity and efficiency. In this paper, we consider the Forward–Douglas–Rachford s... more
Institutions Federico Santa María Technical University, GREYC, University of Cambridge, Normandie Université, École Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Caen
Cites: 50
Cited by: 11
Related to: 10
FWCI: 2.058
Citation percentile (by year/subfield): 81.74
Subfield: Mathematical Physics
Field: Mathematics
Domain: Physical Sciences
Open Access status: hybrid
APC paid (est): $2,990
Funders Leverhulme Trust, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, European Research Council
Grant IDS Breaking the non-convexity barrier, EP/M00483X/1, ERC-2011-StG_20101014