A New Approach to Model Machine Learning by Using Complex Bipolar Intuitionistic Fuzzy Information
Year: 2022
Type: article
Abstract: Many industries are developing robust models, capable of analyzing huge and complex data by using machine learning (ML) while delivering faster and more accurate results on vast scales. ML is a subfie... more
Source: Journal of Function Spaces
Institutions Gomal University, King Saud University, Hadhramout University
Cites: 35
Cited by: 21
Related to: 10
FWCI: 3.957
Citation percentile (by year/subfield): 99.99
Field: Decision Sciences
Domain: Social Sciences
Sustainable Development Goal Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Open Access status: gold
APC paid (est): $2,100
Funder King Saud University
Grant ID RSP2022R476