Results of the prospective, randomized, controlled multicenter Food and Drug Administration investigational device exemption study of the ProDisc-C total disc replacement versus anterior discectomy and fusion for the treatment of 1-level symptomatic cervical disc disease
Year: 2008
Type: article
Source: The Spine Journal
Authors Daniel B. Murrey, Michael Janssen, Rick B. Delamarter, Jeffrey A. Goldstein, Jack E. Zigler +2 more
Institutions OrthoCarolina, Education and Research Institute, Saint John's Health Center, The Spine Institute, New York University Langone Orthopedic Hospital +2 more
Cites: 30
Cited by: 545
Related to: 10
FWCI: 19.82
Citation percentile (by year/subfield): 99.99
Subfield: Pathology and Forensic Medicine
Field: Medicine
Domain: Health Sciences
Sustainable Development Goal Good health and well-being
Open Access status: closed