Heavy Metals in Contaminated Soils: A Review of Sources, Chemistry, Risks and Best Available Strategies for Remediation
Year: 2011
Type: review
Abstract: Scattered literature is harnessed to critically review the possible sources, chemistry, potential biohazards and best available remedial strategies for a number of heavy metals (lead, chromium, arseni... more
Source: ISRN Ecology
Authors R. A. Wuana, F. E. Okieimen
Institutions Benue State University, University of Benin
Cites: 110
Cited by: 3,459
Related to: 10
FWCI: 6.024
Citation percentile (by year/subfield): 98.85
Topic: Heavy metals in environment
Subfield: Pollution
Field: Environmental Science
Domain: Physical Sciences
Sustainable Development Goal Zero hunger
Open Access status: gold