Patient-derived organoids model treatment response of metastatic gastrointestinal cancers
Year: 2018
Type: article
Abstract: Cancer organoids to model therapy response Cancer organoids are miniature, three-dimensional cell culture models that can be made from primary patient tumors and studied in the laboratory. Vlachogiann... more
Source: Science
Authors Georgios Vlachogiannis, Somaieh Hedayat, Alexandra Vatsiou, Yann Jamin, Javier Fernández-Mateos +38 more
Institutions Institute of Cancer Research, Cancer Research UK, Royal Marsden Hospital, University of Padua, Cancer Research UK Scotland Institute
Cites: 37
Cited by: 1,519
Related to: 10
FWCI: 74.96
Citation percentile (by year/subfield): 100
Topic: Cancer Cells and Metastasis
Subfield: Oncology
Field: Medicine
Domain: Health Sciences
Sustainable Development Goal Good health and well-being
Open Access status: bronze
Funders Cancer Research UK, National Institute for Health and Care Research, European Commission, European Research Council, FP7 People: Marie-Curie Actions
Grant IDS CEA A18052, A62, Marie Curie CIG 618154, 331301, CIG334261